Wednesday, March 7, 2007

At - Suspicion On Defect Presence In Its

At - suspicion on defect presence in its wall owing to rupture or punching it is necessary to apply water-soluble contrast substances as a barium suspension, leaving through defect in a gullet wall in , it and does - the subsequent researches. Besides, it as a foreign matter promotes development of an infection of Jodsoderzhashchie water-soluble connections (, , etc.) . Easily - get through small defects in a gullet wall, not inflammatory reaction surrounding , are quickly soaked up Often researches happens enough for localisation and the sizes of a punched aperture In doubtful cases use under anaesthetic by means of rigid . Treatment, conservative (a food exception through a mouth, a prescription of antibiotics, a food of patients, etc.), spend - 1) to an establishment of the definitive diagnosis and at a delay of delivery of the patient to a surgical hospital, 2) at damages of cervical department of a gullet; 3) as addition to surgical treatment. Surgical treatment (radical and palliative) is shown at extensive damages of a gullet, presence of messages of its gleam with , a tree, a pleural cavity.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

The pathogenetic therapy directed on correction of infringements of the internal environment of an organism restoration - and an albuminous exchange the -core of balance elimination of Yeast Infection hepatic respiratory and cardiovascular insufficiency decrease and liquidation of allergic displays etc. is widely applied in clinic of infectious diseases.