Friday, February 20, 2009

Revealing Of Noise Of Splash Of A Liquid

Revealing of noise of splash of a liquid in a stomach is reached by drawing of short pushes on a belly wall tips of the semibent fingers. Noise of splash of the liquid, defined on an empty stomach, testifies to infringement of evacuation from a stomach (a stenosis of an exit from a stomach, a stomach). Noise of splash of a liquid in intestines can be found out at intestinal impassability. At a stenosis aorta department listen to noise in a point at once below a navel and on 2 sm to the left of an average line. Manual research of a rectum. Define a tone , gut contents (, slime, blood), a condition glands. At manual research of a rectum tumours and gut departments, in a small basin, cancer metastasises on (metastasises of Shnitslera), tumours guts, tumours of a uterus and can be revealed. At sharp diseases of bodies of a belly cavity manual research of a rectum gives the important information. Morbidity at pressing on rectum walls specifies in inflammatory changes prjamokishechno-matochnogo deepenings ( a pocket-) and bodies of a small basin.

To Conduct Research It Is Necessary Very Cautiously

To conduct research it is necessary very cautiously in connection with punching possibility . Treatment at the small sizes , absence of complications, absolute contra-indications to surgical - treatment spend the conservative therapy directed on - preventive maintenance of a delay of food weights in and reduction of possibility of development . The food should be - high-grade, mechanically, chemically and thermally sparing. The patient recommend to eat well crushed food After meal - it is necessary to drink some drinks of water, to accept the position promoting . At the big sizes sometimes there is a necessity for cavity washing -. Indications to surgical treatment a gullet: complications (punching, , a bleeding, a - gullet stenosis-, a cancer, development of fistulas), big , complicated at least a short-term delay in them of food weights, a long - delay of food in irrespective of its sizes. Depending on localisation choose operational - access: at glotochno-pishchevodnyh - cervical, at - right-hand , at - link sided .

Thursday, February 19, 2009

In Umbilical Area A Radiant Arrangement Expanded Hypodermic

In umbilical area a radiant arrangement expanded hypodermic veins ("a head of a jellyfish") observe at difficulty - of outflow of blood on to a vein. In departments of a stomach occurrence expanded venous between - femoral and bottom a vein testifies to difficulty of outflow of blood on system of the bottom hollow vein. Observe displacement of a belly wall during the breath certificate. Absence of displacement of any area or all belly wall during breath happens at pressure of muscles as a result a reflex arising owing to irritation . Check active a stomach (a symptom - of Rozanova). To the patient suggest to inflate a stomach, and then to involve it. At sharp inflammatory processes in a belly cavity patients - cannot inflate a stomach because of sharp strengthening of pains. At the - inflammatory processes localised (-, a pleurisy), accompanied sometimes pains in the field of a stomach and pressure of muscles of a belly wall, and stomach retraction probably. The symptom of Rozanova - gets value for difference of sharp inflammatory processes of a belly cavity from processes.

Pharmacological Test - With And Is Negative. In

Pharmacological test - with and is negative. In patients with often find out hernias - diaphragm apertures, the combination of disease with a gullet is possible. Complication are , attacks of a reflex stenocardia. The disease current long, from time to time that - amplifies, disappears almost completely. At a secondary (reflex-) dyskinesia of a gullet its symptoms usually pass at - treatment of the basic disease. Work capacity, as a rule, is not broken. Treatment: should be directed on normalisation of a motility of a gullet. Complex treatment of patients with (primary) includes appointment of a sparing diet-, and sedative preparations, vitamins, - physiotherapeutic procedures. In the absence of a positive effect - from conservative therapy make (as operation of Gellera) to level of an arch of an aorta. Insufficiency . Disease is connected with - infringement of switching function physiological that leads to occurrence zheludochno-pishchevodnogo a reflux and to development of functional and organic changes of a gullet.