Saturday, December 15, 2007

Sliding Hernias Of A Thick Gut Happen At

Sliding hernias of a thick gut happen at slanting hernias, and a bladder at straight lines hernias is more often. Sliding hernias make 1 - 1,5 % of all hernias. Sliding hernias on the occurrence mechanism can be congenital and got. At congenital sliding hernias bodies (for example, the thick gut, a bladder) under the influence of the various reasons, sometimes since the period, gradually can some departments which have been not covered - to go down or as though to slide off on friable to internal hernial collars, to leave a belly cavity and to become a component hernial without a hernial bag. The got sliding hernias arise owing to - mechanical tightening adjacent to it of segments of a gut or a bladder, deprived of a serous cover. The sliding hernia of a thick gut has no symptoms. Usually it is the big hernia with wide hernial collars at persons of elderly or senile age. Diagnostics is helped by radiological research of a thick gut . At sliding hernias of a bladder of patients can - disturb frustration or in two ' | reception.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

In A Medial Corner Of A Wound File

In a medial corner of a wound file - edge vaginas of a direct muscle of a stomach to - bones in area . Seed - stack on the formed muscular wall. Thanks to imposing of deep seams there is a restoration weakened - back the channel and narrowing - of its internal - aperture till the normal size. Edges an external slanting muscle of a stomach sew over seed edge in edge. Thus reconstruct a forward wall the channel and external a ring In some cases, especially at high a triangle, after sewing together of internal slanting and cross-section muscles with - a sheaf there is a considerable tension of seams that - promotes their procutting and hernia relapse In such cases - it is expedient to spend a cut of a vagina of a direct muscle of a stomach (operation the Poppy-blowing - Venglovsky). Way Kukudzhanova. It is offered for direct and difficult forms hernias After deep rings - impose seams between a vagina of a direct muscle of a stomach and - Cooper's sheaf-, from to a case - vessels In case of an outlined tension before setting - of seams in medial department of a vagina of a direct muscle do - slanting a cut in length 2 - 2,5 sm Then the connected - sinew of internal slanting and cross-section muscles together with top and bottom edges cross-section - file to to a sheaf the Latest seam impose at medial edge of a deep aperture the channel.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Low Arrangement Of A Diaphragm Mark At An

Low arrangement of a diaphragm mark at an emphysema easy, big hernias of a forward belly wall, , constitutions. Paradoxical movement of a diaphragm (lifting at a breath and lowering at an exhalation) happens at paralyses and its relaxation. For studying of character of movements of a diaphragm and its - functional condition use special radiological methods of research: , a tomography. Position and a diaphragm condition judge at contrast radiological research of a gullet, a stomach, intestines, at imposing artificial , and . Change of position and diaphragm function is accompanied by reduction of respiratory volume of lungs, changes . DIAPHRAGM DAMAGES The closed damages of a diaphragm arise at road - traumas, falling from height, an air contusion, a stomach. Diaphragm rupture in these cases is caused by sudden increase of intrabelly pressure. Damages - settle down in area the centre or in a place of its transition in a muscular part of a diaphragm is more often-. In 90 - 95 % of cases occur rupture of the left dome of a diaphragm.