Thursday, November 1, 2007

To All Patients With Good-quality Formations Of A

To all patients with good-quality formations of a gullet it is shown for specification of character of formation, its localisation and extent, conditions of a mucous membrane of Ezofagokopija allows to reveal a tumour, to examine its basis, to be convinced of absence - gullet walls. a mucous membrane at - good-quality tumours and a gullet - it is observed seldom. it is possible to make only at presence a mucous membrane and at - new growths. Treatment: at good-quality tumours in connection with - possibility of development of a bleeding, , - surrounding bodies, and at their suppuration and punching - surgical treatment is shown. Tumours of the small sizes on a - thin leg can be removed through by means of special and electrocoagulations At tumours on the wide basis make them with a site - of a wall of a gullet At tumours and a - gullet almost always it is possible to make them without - mucous membrane damage. The remote results of operations the good. GULLET CANCER The cancer makes 60 - 80 % of diseases of a gullet.