Thursday, September 25, 2008

Long Inflammatory Process Can Lead To Cicatricial Changes

Long inflammatory process can lead to cicatricial changes in a gullet, its shortening and development or progressing of a hernia to food of a water aperture - of a diaphragm. Gullet punching at usually does not happen. The diagnosis establish at presence at sick characteristic symptoms of disease, the data - of radiological research - and . Radiological - research allows - to find out zheludochno-pishchevodnyj a reflux, especially - at research of patients - and a prone position, . (a smoothness, or deformation of folds of a mucous membrane, local or a thickening the walls, insufficient elasticity of a wall of the amazed - site, narrowing of a gleam of a gullet, etc.) At - mark various degree and prevalence - inflammatory changes of a mucous membrane of a gullet: 0 stage _ a - normal mucous membrane; I stage - not merging defects of a mucous membrane; II stage - merging, but not circular defects, III stage - circular ' that cover; IV stage - complications illnesses (ulcers, , a short gullet, ' ).

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

After A Section Of A Restraining Ring Investigate

After a section of a restraining ring investigate - contents of a hernial bag. At viability preservation the dropped out - body set in a belly cavity, at irreversible - changes - . Defect in a diaphragm take in. HERNIAS OF THE APERTURE OF THE DIAPHRAGM Hernias can be congenital and got. Allocate sliding (axial) and hernias - diaphragm apertures. Sliding hernias. The kardialnyj department of a stomach located -, moves above a diaphragm on an axis of a gullet and takes part in formation of a wall of a hernial bag. Sliding hernias on classification. V.Petrovskogo and . N.Kanshina subdivide on , , and huge (subtotal and total - gastric) at which occurs a stomach in a chest - cavity. The sliding hernia can be fixed and - unstable. Besides, allocate the got short gullet ( I degree is located over a diaphragm at level of 4 sm, above 4 sm - II degree) and a congenital short gullet (a chest stomach). On to the factor sliding hernias can be , and mixed. The major importance - in development of the got sliding hernias diaphragm apertures has the mechanism arising at reduction of longitudinal muscles of a gullet as a result of reflexes from a stomach and other bodies at a stomach ulcer, a cholecystitis and other diseases.

At Research Mark Tone Decrease , Infringement -

At research mark tone decrease , infringement - a type gullet , zheludochno-pishchevodnyj a - reflux which also can be confirmed by the data rN-metrii (decrease to 4,0 and more low) (a sm technique in section "Special methods of research"). Treatment: paramount action is treatment of the basic disease creating conditions for zheludochno-pishchevodnogo of a reflux (a hernia diaphragm apertures, pi-loroduodenalnyj a stenosis, ). Conservative treatment is directed on reflux decrease, reduction of displays -, the prevention of increase of intrabelly pressure. The patient - recommend to avoid the positions of a body facilitating occurrence - of a reflux, to sleep with highly raised headboard of a bed. Depending on degree appoint mechanically and chemically sparing diet (table No 1, 16, 1 on Pevzneru). A food should be frequent (4 - 6 times a day), last food intake for 3 - 4 to a dream. Appoint , enveloping-, astringents, , , preparations, sedative, means, vitamins. At bleedings and spend therapy, at stenoses - .