Saturday, April 28, 2007

In I Sharp Stage Of Disease (5 -

In I sharp stage of disease (5 - 10 ) patients - test heavy sufferings. After reception of caustic alkali or acid there are severe pains in an oral cavity, a drink, behind a breast, in areas, plentiful salivation-, repeated vomiting, owing to a spasm of a gullet in the field of a burn and a mucous membrane hypostasis. Swallowing - is impossible. Patients are raised, frightened. Integuments pale, damp. Breath is speeded up, there is a tachycardia. Mark - various degree of the phenomenon of a shock: excitation or block, slackness, bad reaction to surrounding conditions, drowsiness, , a tachycardia, decrease in the arterial pressure, - deaf tones of heart, reduction of quantity of urine up to -. In some hours after a burn along with shock symptoms there are symptoms burn : rise in temperature - of a body to 39 �, block is replaced by excitation, sometimes there is a delirium, muscular twitchings. Breath frequent, superficial, a pulse rate to 120 - 130 in minute, arterial pressure is lowered owing to .

Thursday, April 26, 2007

As A Mouth Is Called The Part Of

As a mouth is called the part of a hernial - bag which borders on a belly cavity. As a neck - of a hernial bag is called the narrow department of a hernial bag which are - in thickness of a belly wall - in hernial collars. A body of a hernial bag - its greatest part. Distalnyj department of a hernial bag name a bottom. The hernial bag can be , two - three- and sometimes . At increase in a hernia as a result of a trauma and an inflammation in a hernial bag solderings - and are formed - that can promote infringement of contents - of a hernia in one of cavities (chambers) of a hernial bag. The full partition of a hernial bag with isolation of one segment can lead to formation a hernial bag. Contents of a hernial bag - the internal which has left in a hernial bag. Any body of a belly cavity (except a - pancreas) can be contents of a hernial bag to the Thicket the hernial bag contains the most mobile bodies of a belly cavity: the big epiploon, a small intestine. Classification of external hernias.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

To Liquid Revealing In A Belly Cavity Apply

To liquid revealing in a belly cavity apply a method . The doctor puts a palm On one party of a stomach, on an - opposite side the bent fingers of other hand makes an abrupt push which in the presence of a liquid is defined by a "listening" palm. In order to avoid the erroneous conclusion it is necessary to exclude push transfer on a belly wall. For this purpose the doctor asks the patient or staff nurse to put an edge a brush on an average line of a stomach. At such reception distinct transfer of a push proves liquid presence in a belly cavity. In localisation of pathological process the - zone morbidities (a sign of local irritation -) allows to be guided--. the semibent fingers or a brush edge on the right costal arch can cause morbidity - in right (a symptom of Ortnera-Grekova) at an - inflammation of a bilious bubble, bilious channels, a liver. a stomach make in various positions - of the patient. At research of the patient in horizontal position it is necessary to ask the patient for a relaxation of muscles of a belly wall to bend feet in knee joints and slightly to dissolve them in the parties.