Wednesday, October 3, 2007

At <4,5 In A Gut Cavity Liberated Brakes

At <4,5 in a gut cavity liberated brakes secretion of hydrochloric acid, stimulates - allocation of bicarbonates and water with a pancreas, a liver, glands of Brunnera. At neutralisation of hydrochloric acid by an alkaline secret in a cavity of a duodenal - gut value raises, liberation stops and secretion of gastric acid renews. Powerful secretions of hydrochloric acid is . It is developed , cages, concerns family . Brake action on secretion of hydrochloric acid renders gastric brake ( - ). - Increase of concentration in blood is observed after reception fat write also carbohydrates. As a result actions stimulating and braking - secretion of hydrochloric acid of mechanisms production of hydrochloric acid is carried out by cages in the limits necessary for digestion and maintenance - of a kislotno-alkaline condition in physiological limits. Motor function Out of a phase of digestion a stomach is in the - slept condition. During the meal certificate thanks to change of a tone of muscles ("- ") the gastric tank can contain about 1500 ml without appreciable increase pressure.

A Cancer Of The Bottom Third Of Gullet

A cancer of the bottom third of gullet in the lymph nodes located round a gullet and , lymph nodes, on a course an artery and its branches in a liver. At tumour localisation in department of a gullet metastasises extend in , - radical and lymph nodes. However at a - cancer department of a gullet the tumour can in the lymph nodes located below a diaphragm in area , on a course an artery and its branches. That is why some surgeons recommend operation at a gullet cancer always - to begin with and audits of bodies of a belly cavity and spaces. At a gullet cancer observe metastasises on and to a pleura. The remote metastasises meet - in a liver more often-, is more rare - in lungs, bones and other bodies. Gematogennoe distribution occurs in a late stage of disease. at the overwhelming majority of patients the - gullet cancer - happens . Meet (at 8 - 10 %) which develop from ektopiro-bathroom islets in a gullet of a mucous membrane of a stomach or from glands which are available in the bottom department of a gullet Less often.