Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It Allows To Differentiate - Disease From Other

It allows to differentiate - disease from other aetiology. And a pain it is possible to stop a heartburn change of position of a body of the patient, food intake, alkaline waters, soda, weak solutions hydrochloric or - organic acids (at in a gullet of pancreatic or alkaline intestinal juice). The frequent complaint is the empty - eructation. Eventually patients have symptoms dis-fagii which are caused in the beginning by functional infringements-, and then the expressed inflammatory hypostasis of a mucous membrane - and development of cicatricial changes in a gullet. Cicatricial - narrowing of a gullet leads to heartburn reduction, the basic - symptoms of disease become , pains, . If disease arises against a stomach ulcer, a hernia apertures of a diaphragm, a cholecystitis, etc. in a - clinical picture symptoms of the basic disease can prevail-. In the absence of timely treatment and disease progressing there can be complications . The Most frequent complication is the bleeding. The latent bleedings find out almost constantly, expressed (with vomiting or -) - is rare.