Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Hernias Dvenadtsatiperstno-toshchekishechnoj Poles. In - The Period Of

Hernias dvenadtsatiperstno-toshchekishechnoj poles. In - the period of development as a result of turn of an umbilical loop round an axis top arteries is formed dvenadtsatiperstno-toshekishechnaja a pole (recessus duodenojejunalis - a pole of Trejttsa). This pole can become hernial collars with formation - of the internal restrained hernia. Hernias poles (recessus retroduodenalis) name hernias. Small intestine loops get between plates guts to the right or to the left. To thicket hernial collars of internal hernias are pockets in the field of a blind gut (recessus ileocecalis superior et interior, recessus retrocecalis) or guts (recessus intersigmoideus). Damages - during operations on bodies of a belly cavity can be the reasons of formation of hernial gate-: not taken in cracks in , in the big epiploon. Disease symptoms at internal hernias arise at impassability of intestines in which occasion of patients operate. During operation carefully investigate walls of hernial gate, to the touch define absence of a pulsation of a large vessel (top - or bottom arteries).