Friday, January 11, 2008

THE GULLET A Gullet - Limited Walls. Distinguish

THE GULLET a gullet - limited walls. Distinguish and . are formed owing to - walls under the influence of high the - pressure arising during its reduction. Development - fractional is connected with inflammatory process in - surrounding fabrics and formation of hems, which extend a wall of a gullet towards the amazed body ( , chronic , a pleurisy) the - mechanism is observed by Traktsionnyj - at the very beginning of development , then join factors owing to what becomes pulsionno-traktsionnym. subdivide depending on an arrangement on glotochno-pishchevodnye , (, ), Distinguish true - which wall contains all layers of a wall of a gullet, and in which wall there is no muscular layer. The overwhelming - majority got, congenital - meet extremely seldom. At infringements of a motility - of a gullet observe , arising - only at the moment of reduction , at a relaxation of a gullet they disappear. are observed seldom aged till 30 years and it is frequent after 50 years; among patients men prevail.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Course Often Happens Twisting, Excentricly Located. At

The course often happens twisting, excentricly located. At sharp narrowings arises gullet expansion. Clinic and diagnostics: the basic symptom after-burn - which appears with 3 - 4th weeks from the disease beginning. In the beginning it is unsharply expressed-, arises incidentally, it is accompanied by unpleasant sensations behind a breast. Eventually gullet narrowing progresses, as the surface of the narrowed site - is exposed food that is accompanied by vospalitelno-cicatricial process. Expressiveness increases, full impassability of a gullet can develop. The food delay causes a pain and . At high stenoses of a gullet the food during swallowing can get to respiratory ways, causing , attacks - of painful cough and an asthma. At it is long existing narrowings department of the gullet, accompanied it expansion-, gullet contents are exposed chemical and, - to bacterial decomposition that causes the inflammatory process leading still of a gullet, to development . in these cases arises through a considerable time interval after meal.

Monday, January 7, 2008

The Diagnosis: In Typical Cases Comes Easy. The

The diagnosis: in typical cases comes easy. The basic signs: sharply arisen pain and earlier hernias. Usually the infringement occurs in an external - aperture the channel. At research of the patient find out in areas painful, strained, hernial . If the intestinal loop is restrained, symptoms intestinal impassability join. The infringement in an internal aperture the channel is possible ( the infringement) That is why in the absence of hernial is necessary to conduct manual research the channel instead of to be limited to research only external rings Entered in the channel a finger it is possible to probe small painful consolidation at level of an internal aperture channel Retrogradnoe infringement. the small intestine probably infringement of a thick gut of the big epiploon, etc. Retrogradnoe infringement is restrained arises more often when in a hernial bag intestinal loops (two or more) are located some, and intermediate their binding loops are in a belly cavity to Infringement binding intestinal loops of Nekroz are exposed in a greater degree begins earlier in these intestinal loops located above a restraining ring.