Tuesday, January 23, 2007

At Gullet Punching Mark Contrast Substance For Its

At gullet punching mark contrast substance for its contours, presence emphysemas, at development of fistulas - contrast hit in a tree. The big diagnostic value has , specifying character of a foreign matter and its arrangement. Treatment: at suspicion on a foreign matter of a gullet of the patient it is necessary to direct to a surgical - hospital at any time-. Removal of foreign matters of a gullet make under a narcosis with application by means of rigid and a set special . At impossibility to remove a foreign matter through operation which consists in , foreign matter removal, gullet walls is shown. Even at long asymptomatic stay of a foreign matter in a gullet patients should recommend persistently its removal, because of possibility of development of heavy complications. CHEMICAL BURNS AND CICATRICIAL NARROWINGS OF THE GULLET Chemical burns of a gullet. The damages of a gullet caused - by reception of acids (more often acetic acid) or alkalis (more often liquid ammonia, soda), are called as toxic .

Sunday, January 21, 2007

At It Is Possible To Find Out "serpentine"

At it is possible to find out "serpentine" expansion of veins seed -. The expanded veins are easily fallen down at pressing on them or at a raising up. Attention! can arise at a tumour of the bottom pole of a kidney veins. That is why patients with should investigate kidneys. Treatment: the surgical. An operation overall objective apropos hernias - a plasticity the channel. Operation spend on stages. The first stage - access to to the channel, in areas a slanting cut in parallel to a sheaf and above from it on 2 sm, from bones to . A section an external slanting muscle of a stomach on a course of fibres. The top rag separate from internal slanting and cross-section muscles. The bottom rag separate from - seed , baring thus a trench sheaves to - . The second stage - allocation and removal of a hernial bag. The - third stage - deep rings till the normal sizes (in diameter 0,6 - 0,8 sm). If deep the ring is not taken in, there are anatomic preconditions for occurrence of relapse of a hernia! At slanting to a hernia deep the ring - is always expanded.