Friday, February 23, 2007

The Exception Makes Nephritic , At Which Patient

The exception makes nephritic , at which patient localises a pain with right or a body left-hand side. Finding out character pains, it is possible to judge the amazed layers of a wall of body. Burning is observed at inflammatory changes or - defects of a mucous membrane, it is caused by reaction of surrounding - fabrics to action . The pressure sense, overflow-, a swelling, reaching a dull ache, arises at a stretching - of deep layers of a wall of body. The vistseralnaja pain can have character of the attacks shown (intestinal, hepatic, nephritic). The shvatkoobraznaja pain, , is caused by the strengthened reduction of smooth muscles of hollow body, . to overcome an obstacle for its contents. At bad attacks of a pain of the patient it is uneasy, changes position, searches for a pose at which the pain would become less intensive. At morbidity is not clearly localised, expressed - slightly. During an attack the stomach is strained, between an attack be ill a stomach soft. The pain is accompanied by a nausea, vomiting, pallor, .

By Origin Distinguish The Congenital And Got Hernias.

By origin distinguish the congenital and got hernias. The got hernias divide into hernias from effort (owing to sharp increase of intrabelly pressure), hernias from weakness (at older persons at an atrophy of muscles, reduction of elasticity of a belly wall), the postoperative, traumatic artificial Depending on an anatomic arrangement of hernias distinguish , femoral, umbilical, , a shoot, lateral hernias of a stomach, lumbar, sciatic, apertures, . On a clinical current depending on a condition of interiors entering into a hernia I divide! Hernias on , , hernias with the phenomena , hernias with the phenomena of infringement, a hernia with the inflammation phenomena. Aetiology and : the Greatest number of patients happens to hernias among children aged till 1 year, then the number of patients gradually decreases to 10-year-old age after that - again increases and to 30 - to 40 years reaches a maximum At elderly and senile age also the increase in number of patients with stomach hernias is noted.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

At Hernias All Patients Accept - Surgical Treatment

At hernias all patients accept - surgical treatment in connection with possibility of development of its infringement Operation consists in bringing down of belly bodies and sewing together of edges - diaphragm apertures behind a - gullet. At a combination hernias with insufficiency - supplement operation on Nissenu. At the restrained hernias of patients operate the same as at others hernias. DIAPHRAGM RELAXATION Diaphragm relaxation - diaphragms and its displacement together with adjacent bodies to it a belly cavity in chest-. The line of an attachment of a diaphragm remains on a usual place. The relaxation happens congenital (on soil or full diaphragm muscles) and got (more often - as a result of damage a nerve). The relaxation can be full (total) when all dome of a diaphragm (more often left is amazed and moved to a thorax), and partially (limited) at its any department (more often on the right). At a diaphragm relaxation occurs a lung on the party of defeat and displacement an opposite side, can arise cross-section and longitudinal a - stomach ( and departments settle down at one level), a bend of a thick gut.