Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Reasons Of A Sharp Stomach The Following.

The reasons of a sharp stomach the following. 1. Damages of bodies of a belly cavity. 2. Sharp inflammatory diseases of bodies of a belly - cavity, including a peritonitis. 3. Punching of hollow body. 4. Mechanical intestinal impassability. 5. Sharp infringements the arterial and venous - blood circulation, conducting to a heart attack of intestines and a gangrene, accompanied by dynamic intestinal impassability. 6. Internal bleedings in a gleam of a gastroenteric path and in a cavity . 7. Sharp inflammatory processes in uterus appendages, - extra-uterine pregnancy, , legs or tumours , uterus or tumour knot . The basic clinical signs of a sharp stomach: a belly-ache-, an anaemia, a shock (the scheme 1). The following enters into methods of primary research of the patient. The anamnesis: time and the beginning of occurrence of a pain (sudden, - gradual), pain localisation; and the phenomena-; temperature; the diseases of bodies of a belly cavity transferred in the past and operation on stomach bodies Survey: the compelled position of the patient; the anxiety of the patient, changes a pose; , block; dehydration signs (the pointed features, dryness of mucous membranes of an oral cavity); pallor, a jaundice, allocation (vomiting, a chair, blood).

Friday, November 28, 2008

With The Beginning Of Feeding Milk Is Belched

With the beginning of feeding milk is belched and arrives in a mouth . The stenosis can be as a result of a hypertrophy of a muscular - cover, presence in a wall of a gullet fibrous or - rings, formations by a mucous membrane of thin membranes. Small stenoses long time proceed and are shown only at reception of rough food. At the - expressed stenosis it is marked , during time and after meal. Gradually occurs razviti - gullet expansions, food weights are late in it and - are exposed to rotting, there is a putrefactive smell from a mouth. Congenital bronho - fistulas (the section "Inflammatory diseases of a trachea" see). Gullet doubling - rare anomaly. The gleam - can be isolated or to have the message with the basic channel of a gullet. The gleam isolated is filled by a secret allocated their mucous, sometimes they look like , in other cases are informed with a trachea or a bronchial tube. In process of growth symptoms a gullet and respiratory ways develop, at patients develops , there is a cough, a short wind.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Are Most Often Observed Hernias (75 %), Then

Are most often observed hernias (75 %), then femoral (8 %), umbilical (4 %), postoperative (12 %) hernias-, 1 % is made by all other forms of hernias. At men - happen hernias, at women - femoral and umbilical is more often-. In an origin of hernias many factors, as local, and the general matter. Local factors: features of an anatomic structure of area hernias. To them carry the channel through which at men passes seed , the femoral channel through which take place femoral vessels, area of a navel and a white line of a stomach where there are free intervals from muscles. The general factors promoting formation of a hernia, divide on contributing and making. Contributing factors: a heredity, age (a weak belly wall at children of the first year of a life, an atrophy of fabrics of a belly wall at old people), a floor (features of a structure of a basin and the big sizes of a femoral ring at women, the big weakness areas at men), features of a constitution, fatness degree (a fast weight loss), frequent childbirth, a trauma of a belly wall, postoperative hems, a paralysis of nerves, a belly wall.

Monday, November 24, 2008

At The Healthy Person In The Conditions Of

At the healthy person in the conditions of rest within an hour it is allocated about 50 ml of gastric juice. Production of gastric juice in connection with - digestion process - and as a result reactions of an organism to action of harmful factors (mental and physical) increases-. The secretion of gastric juice connected with food intake, conditionally divide into three phases: brain , gastric and intestinal. Ability of gastric juice to damage and digest living tissues - is connected with presence of hydrochloric acid and . In a stomach of the healthy person, aggressive properties kislotno-pepticheskogo the factor of gastric juice are eliminated thanks to neutralised action food, a saliva, the alkaline slime, thrown in a stomach contents, and as a result influences . Protect fabrics of a stomach and a duodenal gut from gastric juice a protective barrier of a mucous membrane, the local fabric resistance, the integrated system of the mechanisms stimulating and braking secretion of hydrochloric acid, a motility of a stomach and a duodenal gut.