Thursday, May 31, 2007

). Expansions Of A Gullet Do Not Observe. At

). Expansions of a gullet do not observe. At some patients a gullet are shown by these volumes similar to symptoms (, -, pains). However radiological research allows to make the correct diagnosis. Treatment: conservative therapy at apply only in initial stages of disease, and also use as addition to and by preparation of patients for surgical treatment. The food should be and thermally sparing, rich fibers, vitamins. A food fractional, last food intake for 3 - 4 to a dream. Reduction in I - II stages of disease can achieve by - application of preparations of nitrogroup - nitroglycerine, At the phenomena stagnant apply - gullet washing - by a weak solution of antiseptic tanks Therapeutic effect mark after physiotherapeutic procedures with , deep on area , long-wave , etc. The basic method of treatment - which consists in a violent stretching and a partial anguish of muscles a site of a gullet and . it is possible to spend in any stage - of disease by Contra-indication to its use are, a - portal hypertensia with expansion of veins of the gullet, expressed , the diseases of the blood accompanied - raised the Greatest distribution to the USSR now has received pneumatic - which consists from a rubber tube-probe on which end the cylinder Diameter of a cylinder from 25 to 45 mm Pressure in system is strengthened forms create a pear and supervise a manometre In an initiation of treatment apply dilators - of the smaller size and create in them pressure 180 - 200 mm , apply subsequently cylinders diameter and gradually increase in them pressure to 300 - 320 mm Duration - of procedure of a stretching 30 - 60 with, Interval between sessions 2 - 4 days Usually during a stretching patients a moderate pain behind a breast and in areas After procedure by the patient appoint a confinement to bed and hunger on 2-3 before pain disappearance.

Monday, May 28, 2007

At A Bleeding, For Definition - Of Deficiency

At a bleeding, for definition - of deficiency of volume , circulating in a vascular channel, it is possible to be guided by a shock index: Shock index = the Pulse rate / the HELL In norm this indicator makes 0,5. Losses of volume - of a circulating liquid to 30 % raise a shock index to 1, thus indicators of a pulse rate and arterial pressure nearby 100. At the expressed picture of a shock c 120 in a minute and arterial pressure about 80 mm hg, the indicator of a shock index raises to 1,5 and testifies to the beginning of danger to a life of the patient. The shock index equal 2 (pulse 140 in a minute, arterial pressure of 70 mm the item), corresponds to reduction of volume of a circulating liquid by 70 %. At women at gathering of the gynecologic anamnesis it is necessary to pay attention to the transferred gynecologic diseases, - a cycle, time of the last . The reason of occurrence of a belly-ache of century for the middle a cycle can be - . At a delay there is a basis - to suspect extra-uterine pregnancy.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Ultrasonic Research Of A Bilious Bubble, Pancreas, Liver,

Ultrasonic research of a bilious bubble, pancreas, liver, spleen for revealing of an inflammation or damage - of bodies. Laparoscopy for revealing of an inflammation or body damage. Diagnostic peritoneal th make at suspicion on punching of hollow body-, a bleeding, not revealed by other - methods. Into a belly cavity enter through a small cut of a belly wall on an average line of a stomach and make washing - of a belly cavity by an isotonic solution of chloride of sodium. In a washing liquid the blood impurity testifies to inside-brjushinnom bleeding, and gastroenteric contents - about punching of hollow body. The differential diagnosis: the - diseases simulating a sharp stomach, a myocardium heart attack, , spontaneous , nephritic , Shenlejna - Genoha should be excluded-. Preoperative preparation. Antishock actions (correction of infringements vodno-elektrolitnogo balance and a kislotno-alkaline condition, at a bleeding completion ). Introduction of antibiotics at the confirmed diagnosis of an inflammation, punching of body, intestinal impassability.