Saturday, January 5, 2008

Treatment Gives Fast Clinical Effect At The Expense

Treatment gives fast clinical effect at the expense of removal an inflammation and reduction of the sizes of a tumour. At a gullet beam therapy is inefficient. Beam therapy is counter-indicative at a serious illness of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, - bodies, the central nervous system, tumour disintegration, a bleeding-. At impossibility of performance of surgical or beam treatment at a gullet cancer the - chemotherapy (a combination a number - 5-ftoruratsil or with and ) can be applied as - palliative means. Chemotherapy of a cancer of a gullet till now in connection with low sensitivity of a tumour to known antineoplastic preparations. At all patients with the inoperable form of a cancer of a gullet - it is shown carrying out of the symptomatic therapy directed on removal of pains, liquidation of infringements of a food. The five years' - survival rate after radical operations makes less than 10 %. GULLET SARCOMA The sarcoma - malignant a tumour, - makes 1 - 1,5 % of all malignant tumours of a gullet, meet at men (at 75 %) is more often.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Has A Soft Consistence-, Decreases At Pressing, After

has a soft consistence-, decreases at pressing, after water reception at - over it it is possible to define splash noise. It is possible spontaneous - not digested food from a gleam at certain position of the patient, difficulty of breath because of trachea squeezing, occurrence voices at a returnable nerve At food intake at patients can develop "a blockade phenomenon", shown by a face reddening, sensation - of shortage of air, dizziness, the - putrefactive smell from a mouth appears the unconscious condition disappearing after vomiting At a long delay of food in -. At the majority of patients a - food that leads to their exhaustion is broken. characterises an asymptomatic current more often, the phenomena , pains behind a breast - or in a back are possible-, at chronic - break in a trachea, , development , a lung abscess. also at the majority of patients proceed , but can be shown by pains behind the bottom - part of a breast, , a nausea, vomiting, a reflex short wind-, palpitation, a bronchospasm, symptoms a - gullet and .

Monday, December 31, 2007

Hernias Allocate Diaphragm Apertures In Separate - Group

Hernias allocate diaphragm apertures in separate - group as they arise most often, have features - of an anatomic structure, clinical displays and demand certain principles of treatment (the section "Hernias diaphragm apertures" see). Describe separate cases of rare hernias of other natural apertures of a diaphragm (a crack of a sympathetic nerve, an aperture - of the bottom hollow vein). Clinic and diagnostics: occurrence and degree - of expressiveness of symptoms hernias depend on character of the moved belly bodies in a pleural cavity, their volume-, degree of filling of the moved hollow bodies, and their excess in the field of hernial gate, degree of a collapse of a lung and displacement , the sizes and the form of hernial gate. Symptoms: gastroenteric, legochno-warm and the general. The factors leading to increase of intrabelly pressure, strengthen expressiveness of symptoms of disease in connection with - increase in a contained hernial bag. Patients complain of feeling of weight and a pain in areas, a thorax, , a short wind and the palpitation arising after plentiful food intake.