Friday, June 22, 2007

As A Result Inflammations Arise Dense Unions Of

As a result inflammations arise dense unions of bodies with each other - and with a wall of a hernial bag. can be partial when the part of contents of a hernia can be set in a belly cavity, and other part to remain . At full hernia contents are not set in a belly cavity. Development is promoted by long - carrying of a bandage. there are umbilical, femoral and postoperative hernias is more often. Often enough hernias happen multichamber (umbilical, postoperative). Owing to - development of plural solderings and chambers in a hernial bag the hernia becomes complicated infringement of bodies in - one of chambers of a hernial bag or development of adhesive intestinal - impassability in a hernial bag is more often--. The hernia inflammation arises owing to a hernial - bag. It can occur from within at an acute inflammation a shoot or Mekkelja which are in a hernial bag, as a result of punching or tubercular ulcers of intestines in a cavity of a hernial bag, at a tuberculosis . At the inflammation of a hernia caused from outside of bodies of a belly cavity, the general condition of patients worsens, a body temperature high, a fever, vomiting, a delay of gases and a chair.