Friday, August 17, 2007

If It Is Possible, Expedient To Arrange Seed

If it is possible, expedient to arrange seed between rags an external slanting muscle of a stomach FEMORAL HERNIAS Femoral hernias settle down on a hip in area skarpov-skogo a triangle On frequency of formation they make 5 - 8 % of all hernias of a stomach Femoral hernias meet less often and happen mainly at women Among patients to femoral - hernias of the woman at the age of 30 - 60 years make 80 % the - Greatest frequency of femoral hernias at women explain wider basin that causes the big expressiveness - of muscular and vascular lacunas and smaller durability sheaves. Between a sheaf and basin bones it is located which is divided podvzdoshno-grebeshkovoj by a sheaf on two lacunas muscular and vascular In a muscular lacuna there is a lumbar muscle and a femoral nerve. In a vascular lacuna are located a femoral artery with a femoral vein. Between a femoral vein and the interval filled with a fibrous connecting fabric and a lymph node of Pirogiva - Rozenmjullera is available a sheaf. This interval name a femoral ring through which there is a femoral hernia.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Edge Of An Internal Aperture The Channel

The edge of an internal aperture the channel is outlined accurately thanks to arcuate fibres ligamentum Hesselbachu. On a place of an internal aperture the channel cross-section it is funneled bent and passes on seed , forming the general a cover seed and . Round the sheaf at level of an external aperture the channel is divided into the fibres which part terminates on bones, another in hypodermic areas. Congenital hernias. If the shoot - remains completely , its cavity is freely informed with a cavity . Further the hernia at which the shoot is a hernial bag is formed congenital . Congenital hernias make a - great bulk of hernias at children (90 %). However and at adults happen congenital hernias (nearby 10 - 12 %). Got hernias. Distinguish slanting external a hernia and direct (internal) a hernia. Slanting the hernia passes through external a pole; a straight line - through medial a pole. In an initial stage of development slanting hernias approximately hernial it is imperceptible. At or a tussiculation of the patient the - swelling quickly disappearing after only the patient is defined the oval form stops , at the channel form the bottom of a hernial bag reaches an external aperture - the channel.

Monday, August 13, 2007

During A Finding Write In A Stomach Two

During a finding write in a stomach two types of movements are observed: tonic and . Muscles of a body of a stomach put constant weak pressure upon its contents-. Separate waves mix food with juice glands and move it in department At this time and densely closes an exit from a stomach. The reflux gastric contained - in a gullet prevents the difficult physiological switching - mechanism promoting closing of pishchevodno-gastric transition. The food lump moves in department which deep interception waves separates from a cavity of a body of a stomach. Further the wave in the form of rings extends in a direction. There is a - crushing of a food lump, its mixing to an alkaline secret glands When the wave reaches the gatekeeper, it relaxes, the part contained department arrives in a duodenal gut Then the gatekeeper becomes isolated, there is a total reduction of walls department. The high pressure in department forces contained to move in the opposite direction to a cavity of a body of a stomach where it again is exposed to influence - of hydrochloric acid and .