Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Bleeding, More Often Sudden, Arises Almost At

The bleeding, more often sudden, arises almost at 50 % of patients-. At allocation of scarlet blood from a mouth it is difficult to spend the - differential diagnosis with a pulmonary bleeding. At blood hit in a stomach emetic weights can get colour of a coffee - thick, in this case difficultly distinguish a bleeding - from the gastric. The profuznoe bleeding can lead to a heavy anaemia and end with death of the patient Against a - chronic ulcer of a gullet the cancer can to develop. The clinical picture of disease allows to suspect - presence gullet ulcers. The basic radiological symptom of an ulcer of a gullet is presence of a niche with inflammatory - shaft around. It is possible to observe also strengthening - gullet walls, local expansion of its gleam over an ulcer, convergence of folds of a mucous membrane to the niche basis to Confirm the diagnosis ulcers of a gullet and to spend the differential diagnosis with and a malignant - tumour helps with . , research and pharmacological test help to spend the differential diagnosis with At an ulcer of the big sizes it is necessary to exclude a - gullet for which the - constancy of its form revealed at radiological - research and sizes is characteristic-, absence - of a site of spastic reduction of a gullet should be remembered possibility of development of nervously-trophic ulcers at tumours, a trauma and inflammatory diseases of the central nervous - system, , and also the ulcers formed at a tuberculosis, a syphilis and fungoid defeats of a gullet.


EXTERNAL HERNIAS OF THE STOMACH External hernia of a stomach - frequent disease, make 3 - 4 % of all population the Hernia limits - work capacity , poses hazard to life the - patient because of possible development of complications (infringement, an inflammation-). Elements of an external hernia of a stomach: hernial gate-, a hernial bag, contents of a hernia, a hernia cover. Hernial gate represent weak places in myshechno-aponevroticheskoj to a stomach wall, through which internal - with leave a belly cavity. - Such weak in places there can be natural channels or the cracks which are passing in thickness of a belly wall the channel, the femoral channel, the umbilical channel, cracks between the fibres - forming a white line of a stomach, a semilunar line, an aperture, sciatic apertures Hernial gate - can be defect in myshechno-aponevroticheskom a layer or the channel which includes a deep aperture, directly channel and an external or superficial aperture. The gryzhevyj bag represents - through hernial gate In a hernial bag distinguish a - mouth, a neck, a body and a bottom.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

At The Big Hernias Of A White Line

At the big hernias of a white line of a stomach use a method of Sapezhko. At a divergence of direct muscles of a stomach accompanying a hernia apply a method of Napalkova. After allocation of hernial gate and removal of a hernial bag dissect vaginas of direct muscles of a stomach lengthways on internal edge and sew at first internal, and then external edges vaginas. Thus create doubling of a white line of a stomach. TRAUMATIC AND POSTOPERATIVE HERNIAS Traumatic hernias result from the trauma of a stomach accompanied by hypodermic rupture of subject muscles, - and . Under influence pressure together with an internal - it is stuck out in a place of rupture and the hernia is formed. At the moment of reception of a trauma patients mark a severe pain which gradually passes within several days. If the patient arrives directly after a trauma it is possible - to find out the bruises formed on a place of rupture - of fabrics of a belly wall. Quite often the pain is accompanied by irritation symptoms .