Thursday, March 8, 2007

As Symptoms Of An Intra-belly Bleeding The Stomach,

As symptoms of an intra-belly bleeding the stomach, in the beginning local morbidity serve strained, increased in at , and then a stupid constant pain and development a shock. At damage of hollow body of the phenomenon of a peritonitis - traumas develop - not right after. For its development some time is required, therefore the patient should be under supervision of the doctor At suspicion on a peritonitis or a bleeding after a stomach trauma it is necessary to spend research at which it is possible to define a forward wall of a rectum and sharp morbidity at . From additional methods of research it is expedient - to use a laparoscopy and ultrasonic scanning of bodies of a belly cavity. At damage of an aorta or arteries - diagnostic value easing or absence of a pulsation on femoral arteries, has a shock. Additional method of diagnostics is research. DISEASES OF THE BELLY WALL Congenital umbilical fistulas develop as a result a zheltochno-intestinal channel (ductus omphalomesentericus) or an uric channel (urachus) At a zheltochno-intestinal channel in the field of a navel the fistula with intestinal is formed or mucous separated Sometimes through a fistula the - gut mucous membrane drops out-.

1 comment:

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