Friday, March 6, 2009

In A Duodenal Gut Digestion Of All Food

In a duodenal gut digestion of all food - components is carried out-. The duodenal gut has value in regulation functions of a stomach, a pancreas, a liver, in activity coordination the device. Stomach and duodenal gut, participating in a metabolism, provide homeostasis regulation. Being the main link in hormonal - system of a gastroenteric path, the stomach and a duodenal gut influence diverse functions of various systems of a human body. SPECIAL METHODS OF RESEARCH The analysis of gastric juice. To research of secretion of gastric - juice apply stomach sounding by a thin probe. Before the research beginning through a probe take the - contents which have accumulated in a stomach-. Investigate "" secretion during the interdigestive - period and secretion after - stimulator introduction-. Secretion zhel-udochnogo juice is on an empty stomach carried out mainly as a result of influence on the device - of a stomach of wandering nerves, therefore on indicators "" secretions can be judged a condition of a tone of wandering nerves indirectly.


Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Have arisen Questions to answer on which orthodox medicine - not in forces. Among these questions the following: Why, if excessive quantity(amount) of work on relatives Distance should lead to development of short-sightedness, among People which trade is far from great volume visual Works close (for example, among the people borrowed(occupied) rural - The house) short-sightedness meets not so seldom; Why, if short-sightedness is caused hereditary Factors, it(she) rather often develops at what parents Have fine sight.

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Both with theoretical and with practical the points of view the special place borrows
Chronic . It is characterized by long stay of the activator Yeast Infection in an organism remissions relapses and aggravations of the pathological process the favorable forecast in case of duly and rational therapy and can end as well as the sharp form full recover.