Monday, November 26, 2007

Lymphatic Vessels Cross, Their Central Ends , And

Lymphatic vessels cross, their central ends , and peripheral with veins on type the end sideways or the end in the end. Thus carry out to 6 - 10 . The operations executed in initial stages chronic , completely normalise from the amazed - finiteness, in later stages allow to achieve considerable reduction of a hypostasis of a skin and hypodermic -. GULLET The gullet represents a muscular tube in length about 25 sm, inside a mucous membrane and surrounded with a connecting fabric. It connects to a drink with a stomach part. The gullet begins at level of VI cervical vertebra and is stretched to level of XI chest vertebra. The input in a gullet is located at level a cartilage and will defend from a first line of the top cutters on 14 - 16 sm ("a gullet mouth"). In this place there is a first physiological narrowing. a gullet divide into three departments: cervical (5-6 sm), chest (16 - 18 sm) and - (1-4 sm). The second physiological narrowing of a gullet is approximately in 25 sm from edge of the top cutters at level tracheas and crossings of a gullet with the left main bronchial tube, the third corresponds - to level apertures of a diaphragm and is located on distance 37-40 see In a cervical part and in the beginning of chest department to an arch of an aorta the gullet is located to the left from an average line.

1 comment:

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