Tuesday, September 18, 2007

At A Stomach Specify An Arrangement In Relation

At a stomach specify an arrangement in relation to a diaphragm, study a condition - of the part of a stomach moved to a - thorax and its mutual relation with a gullet and . it is shown at suspicion on an ulcer a polyp or on a stomach cancer. Treatment: at not complicated sliding hernias - diaphragm apertures spend conservative treatment - which is directed on decrease zheludochno-pishchevodnogo a reflux reduction of the phenomena , the prevention of increase of intrabelly pressure. The patient recommend to sleep with the raised headboard of a bed, to avoid the positions of a body facilitating - occurrence of a reflux, to watch regular function of intestines a Food should be in the small portions 5 - 6 times a day last food intake for 3 - 4 to a dream. Depending on expressiveness appoint mechanically and chemically sparing diet (a table 1, 16, 1 on Pevzneru). The food should contain a - considerable quantity of fibers. Appoint , enveloping-, astringents, preparations, , , , sedative means and vitamins Surgical treatment at a sliding hernia diaphragm apertures is shown at a bleeding, development a gullet, and also at unsuccessfulness of long conservative therapy at patients with the expressed symptoms a reflux-ezofagita (see has undressed "Gullet").

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

A combination of antibacterial preparations with the purpose of strengthening of antibacterial effect improvement of their pharmacokinetics and decrease in frequency of by-effects Yeast Infection.