Saturday, May 26, 2007

Spend Under Local Or General Anaesthesia. Conservative Treatment

spend under local or general anaesthesia. Conservative treatment of hernias spend at umbilical hernias At children. It consists in application of bandages with which interfere an internal. At adults apply a - various kind bandages. Bandage carrying appoint patient who cannot be operated because of presence at them serious contra-indications to operation ( - chronic diseases of heart, lungs, kidneys, a cirrhosis, -, , malignant new growths). The purpose of carrying - of a bandage - to interfere an internal in a hernial - bag. The bandage promotes closing of hernial gate. Bandage carrying probably only at hernias. - Long carrying of a bandage promotes an atrophy of fabrics of a belly wall, formation of unions between an internal and a hernial bag, i.e. Conducts to development hernias. Preventive maintenance: observance of hygiene of chest - children which consists in care of a navel, correct feeding, regulation of function of intestines matters-. Regular employment by physical culture and sports as means of strengthening of muscles and an - organism in general.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Antibacterial. Antitoxic wheys contain specific antibodies Yeast Infection against toxins – antitoxins and are dosed out by antitoxic units . Their action is reduced to neutralization of the toxins developed by activators. Antitoxic are wheys. Antibacterial wheys contain antibodies against bacteria . In most cases wheys enter intramuscularly and only in special cases intravenously.