Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Small Branch Which Goes To The Left

The small branch which goes to the left behind a gullet to a stomach in the field of coal of Gisa ("a criminal" nerve of Grassi) sometimes can depart from the right trunk of a wandering nerve. It matters in an aetiology - of recurrent ulcers after if remained not crossed. Beginning from level , the thin branches going along small blood vessels to small curvature of a stomach depart from the main trunks. Each trunk of a wandering nerve comes to an end according to a forward and back branch of Latarzhe. Functional - anatomy of a mucous membrane - of a stomach. In all departments of a stomach a mucous membrane surface tsilindricheski-. cages. They allocate "visible - slime" - a viscous liquid consistences. This liquid in the form of a film densely covers all surface - of a mucous membrane. Slime facilitates food passage, protects a - mucous membrane from mechanical and chemical damages. A slime film, superficial - are the protective barriers - protecting a mucous membrane from self-digestion by gastric juice.

1 comment:

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