Thursday, October 9, 2008

The - Hernial Bag Is Formed By Means

The - hernial bag is formed by means of a stretching and progressing - . Clinic and diagnostics: the Basic symptoms - of disease are a pain in the field of a hernia and in a stomach, presence in one of hernial zones. appears at or in vertical position of the patient, - disappears or decreases in horizontal position after manual reposition. The pain in the field of hernial arises at - physical activity, walking, sharp movements, at changes - of barometric pressure. Quite often there is a nausea, an eructation, a stomach swelling, locks. Hernia development occurs, as a rule, slowly. In the beginning in a place of a formed hernia there is a pricking pain at physical activity, walking, run, weight lifting. After a while appears which disappears in horizontal position of the patient and again arises at - physical activity. gradually increases, - gets the roundish or oval form. At the hernias which have sharply arisen - at the moment of sharp increase of intrabelly pressure, patients feel a severe pain in the field of a formed hernia, sudden occurrence a belly wall and a hemorrhage - in surrounding fabrics.

1 comment:

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