Saturday, February 2, 2008
Symptoms: A Pain In The Areas, Amplifying After
Symptoms: a pain in the areas, amplifying after food intake, at increase of intrabelly pressure. Occurrence of pains in patients with hernias of a white line of a stomach - explain or time infringement of a hernia, or a tension - of a stomach an epiploon fixed to a hernial bag, or pressure - upon nerves (a hernial bag). At research of the patient find out dense painful - formation in the field of a white line of a stomach. At hernias sometimes it is possible to probe hernial gate. Some patients of a hernia proceed . Various diseases of an internal, such, as a stomach ulcer of a stomach or a duodenal gut, a chronic cholecystitis, chronic , etc. In this connection the patient replying researches for revealing of diseases, sopro-zhdajushchihsja pains in areas should be conducted can accompany a hernia of a white line of a stomach. Treatment: the surgical. Operation consists in allocation - of a hernial bag, its removal and aperture closing in - by imposing a seam or separate central seams.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Physiological Value Of A Gullet Consists In Carrying
Physiological value of a gullet consists in carrying out of food of a cavity drinks in a stomach, carried out a reflex. Thus the important role in normal activity of a gullet belongs to a reflex of timely disclosing , coming in norm through 1 - 2 1/2 with the ambassador of a drink. The relaxation - physiological provides free receipt of food in a stomach under action waves. After passage of a food lump to a stomach there comes restoration of a tone bottom and closing . SPECIAL METHODS OF RESEARCH To diagnostics gullet disease apply - radiological research, , study impellent function. Contrast radiological research of a gullet with a - water suspension of sulphate of barium (at suspicion on punching with water-soluble contrast) spend at various turns of the patient round a vertical axis, in vertical, horizontal position or in position with the raised basin. Pay attention - to character of contours, elasticity, , -, ability of walls of a gullet, study a mucous membrane relief, examine areas of physiological narrowings.
Monday, January 28, 2008
In Group A Precancer Carry Gullet Papillomas. Patients
In group a precancer carry gullet papillomas. Patients with the given disease are subject to supervision with carrying out - repeated for microscopic diagnostics. Pathological anatomy: the gullet cancer develops - more often in places of physiological narrowings: the gullet mouth, at level tracheas, over physiological On frequency of defeat by a cancer on the first place is department (at 60 %) - at level of an arch of an aorta and the left main bronchial tube, on the second place-nizhnegrudnoj and gullet department (at 30 %), on the third - cervical and (At 10 %) On a macroscopical picture distinguish three basic forms of a cancer of a gullet, a central cancer (, ), ulcer, There are mixed forms of growth. Central forms make about 60 % of cancers of a gullet. These - tumours have growth, are presented by the growths - similar to a cauliflower, have more dark colouring, than a normal mucous membrane. The tumour is easily injured, - is subject to disintegration and constantly bleeds. Tumoral extends on and muscular covers.
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