Friday, May 1, 2009

Clinic And Diagnostics: The Clinical Picture Of Disease

Clinic and diagnostics: the clinical picture of disease - develops of the symptoms caused by local action - of chemical substance, and intoxication displays. Weight of defeat depends mainly on character of the accepted - substance, its concentration, quantity, degree of filling of a stomach at the moment of a poisoning, first-aid treatment terms. Localisation - of a burn and depth of defeat depends also on how the patient drank an aggressive liquid. At reception by its small drinks - there is a burn of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity, , the top - third of gullet; if a liquid drink "volley", the - bottom third of gullet and a stomach is damaged - basically. Acids cause fabrics with formation - of a dense scab which interferes with penetration of substance - into depth of fabrics, reduces its hit in blood. Caustic alkalis cause (formation water-soluble which transfers alkali on fabric sites), characterised by deeper and widespread defeat of a wall of a gullet. Infringement of motor function of a gullet and the swallowing certificate at chemical burns is caused not only local changes in a gullet, but also changes peripheral vegetative and the central nervous structures providing the certificate of swallowing.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Anaemia Can Be A Unique Symptom Of

The anaemia can be a unique symptom of disease-. The bleeding occurs by , from erosion and ulcers at . Crucial importance in an establishment of the diagnosis of a hernia - diaphragm apertures has radiological research. Research spend in vertical and horizontal - position of the patient and in position of Trendelenburga (with the lowered head end of a table). At sliding hernias mark continuation of folds - of a mucous membrane department of a stomach above a diaphragm, presence or absence of shortening of the gullet, the developed corner of Gisa, a high confluence of a gullet of a stomach, reduction of a gas bubble, a reflux of contrast substance from a stomach in a gullet. The arrangement over a diaphragm is a sign hernias diaphragm apertures. At accompanying a reflux-ezofagite the gullet can - be expanded and truncated. it is expedient at a gullet, an ulcer, suspicion on a cancer, a bleeding. She allows to specify length of a gullet, to estimate weight , to define insufficiency degree , to exclude ulcer defects.