Friday, September 7, 2007

The Listed Factors Promote Local Easing Of A

The listed factors promote local easing of a belly wall. Making factors - the factors causing increase of intrabelly pressure: heavy physical work, difficult - childbirth, difficulty (an adenoma glands, , urethras), locks, long cough (a tuberculosis-, a chronic bronchitis). The effort promoting increase of intrabelly pressure, can be unique and sudden -(a hard work, weight lifting) or often repeating and minimum (cough). The mechanism of formation of hernias is distinguished depending on a - hernia origin (congenital or got). The reason of formation of a congenital hernia is a belly wall in the pre-natal period ( umbilical hernias-, a hernia umbilical ), brjushinno-pahovogo a shoot. Hernial gate and hernial bag are formed - in the beginning, and then as a result of physical effort an internal gets into a hernial bag. At the got hernias an internal leaves at level of hernial gate and gets further more often on a course of a vascular bunch or body (the femoral channel, the channel). Under the influence of the raised intrabelly pressure an - internal moves apart ahead of themselves layers of a belly wall.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Contents Of A Hernial Bag Usually Is The

Contents of a hernial bag usually is the small intestine loop, an epiploon. Less often in a hernial bag there is a thick gut (on the right - blind, at the left - ). Femoral hernias seldom happen big, are inclined to infringement. Clinic and diagnostics: the femoral hernia in the course of formation passes three stages: initial, channel and - full. In an initial stage hernial does not fall outside the limits an - internal femoral ring. Clinically this stage difficultly comes to light. At this stage it is possible infringement of a gut. In an incomplete (channel) stage hernial it is located near to a vascular bunch, does not fall outside the limits superficial , does not get in hypodermic a triangle. The femoral hernia - passes all femoral channel in a full stage-, leaves through its external aperture in hypodermic hips. The diagnosis of an initial and channel femoral hernia presents difficulties. To suspect such hernias it is possible only on the basis of complaints to a pain in a groin, in the bottom department of a stomach, in the top department of the hip, amplifying at walking, physical activity, at - weather changing.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

At Define The - Oval Defect Of Filling

At define the - oval defect of filling - extended on of a gullet, from - barium depot - . At the big - tumours characteristic radiological signs of a cancer are roughness and gullet contours, breakage of folds of a mucous membrane in the field of pathological process. The important role in revealing beginning cancer plays research by means of the - electron-optical converter. Above a tumour the gullet is a little expanded. in this department active or even it is a little strengthened. In case of a long stenosis the gullet loses a tone and almost completely is absent, over narrowing mark a delay of a baric suspension. To definition of distribution of a tumour on the next bodies apply - radiological research in conditions , do tomograms in direct and lateral projections. Radiological research not always reveals early stages of a cancer of a gullet. In some patients a tumour find out only at repeated researches. That is why absence of the radiological data at presence or pains at food passage does not allow - to exclude a gullet cancer.

Monday, September 3, 2007

This Data Is Important For The Characteristic Of

This data is important for the characteristic of a hernia and should be reflected in the diagnosis. To special methods of research carry definition of hernial gate and a symptom a push. After reposition of contents of a hernia by a finger entered into hernial gate, specify the size, the form of an external aperture of hernial gate. At a tussiculation of the patient the finger of the investigating feels pushes stuck out and adjacent bodies (a symptom a push). A kashlevoj push - a characteristic symptom - of an external hernia of a stomach. For revealing of hernias it is necessary - to survey all hernial zones. At the big hernias for definition of a contained hernial bag conduct radiological research of a gastroenteric path, a bladder. Sliding hernias are hernias in which one of walls of a hernial bag is the body partially covered (for example, a bladder, ascending and descending guts). Seldom hernial bag is absent, and all is formed only by those segments of the slid off body which are not covered almost .