Saturday, August 23, 2008

In Cases Heavy A Reflux-ezofagita Make Or Transpleural

In cases heavy a reflux-ezofagita make or transpleural with a stomach in a chest cavity. Congenital insufficiency treat conservatively. Usually eventually there comes function normalisation . GULLET DAMAGES Gullet damages divide on internal (closed) from outside a mucous membrane and the external - necks (opened) at - getting wounds and a thorax. Internal damages of a gullet are possible during - carrying out of diagnostic and medical actions: at -, a gullet, . There are gullet wounds from within at hit in it of foreign matters (see "Gullet foreign matters"). gullet walls arise at a long finding in it of probes, from pressure or tubes. Punching of a wall of a gullet can occur at its various diseases: tumours, an ulcer, chemical burns. At an irradiation of malignant tumours of damage of a gullet arise owing to tumour disintegration. Stupid traumas of a neck, thorax and stomach can lead to infringement of a food and walls of a gullet as a result of its squeezing between a breast and bodies of vertebras Thus often mark damage of the next bodies the Straight line to a gullet trauma can occur during operations on bodies and lungs.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

The universal answer of system of immunity to introduction of infectious antigenes is which is carried out by descendants In- – plasmatic cells. Under action of antigenes of microorganisms directly -independent antigenes or after cooperative mutual relations –and Independent antigenes Yeast Infection In- are transformed to the plasmatic cells capable to active synthesis and secretion of antibodies.