Saturday, March 22, 2008

Strengthening Of A Back Wall The Channel By

Strengthening of a back wall the channel by till the normal size internal rings should be an obligatory stage of operation at all - forms hernias. The fourth stage - a plasticity the channel. At a choice of a method of a plasticity the channel it is necessary to consider that a formation principal cause hernias is weakness of a back wall - the channel. Strengthening of a forward wall the channel with obligatory deep rings till the normal sizes can be applied at young men at small slanting hernias. At direct hernias and difficult forms hernias (slanting with the straightened channel, sliding hernias, recurrent) - strengthening of a back wall the channel should - be made. There are some ways of a plasticity the channel. The way Zhirara provides strengthening of a forward wall - the channel. Over seed to to a sheaf sew - at first edge of internal slanting and cross-section muscles of a stomach, and then separate seams - the top rag an external slanting muscle. The bottom rag fix seams on the top rag , forming thus from rags an external slanting muscle of a stomach.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

The increase in a spleen with a greater constancy comes to light at a belly typhus a malaria a sepsis less often at a virus hepatites and infectious and almost never meets at a flu. Alongside with it can specify a pathology of system of blood less often on a new growth Yeast Infection in the spleen and a thrombosis or vessels etc. It is possible to carry spasmes to the same group of symptoms various pains in a stomach a diarrhea change –and biochemical shifts in whey of blood etc.