Monday, March 31, 2008

- A Powerful Stimulator Of Secretion Of Hydrochloric

- a powerful stimulator of secretion of hydrochloric acid. in a stomach synthesise and store mucous membrane cages (corpulent, entero-hromaffinnye, ). Secretion, , grows out of activation 2- on a membrane cages. So-called antagonists 2- (, , , and ) block action and other stimulators of gastric secretion. The mechanisms suppressing secretion of hydrochloric acid: acid "brake", small intestine factors (, , . The antralnyj department depending on contents carries out production of hydrochloric acid cages. Allocated from G-cages stimulates secretion of hydrochloric acid, and its surplus, causing contained department, liberation brakes. At low value <2,0 liberation and secretion of hydrochloric acid stops. On a measure and neutralisations of hydrochloric acid by an alkaline secret glands at 4,0 liberation and secretion of hydrochloric acid renews. There is an assumption of participation of wandering nerves in a braking mechanism of secretion of hydrochloric acid at contained department. Receipt of sour contents from a stomach in a duodenal gut is a stimulator for functions of S-cages.

1 comment:

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