Saturday, February 2, 2008

Symptoms: A Pain In The Areas, Amplifying After

Symptoms: a pain in the areas, amplifying after food intake, at increase of intrabelly pressure. Occurrence of pains in patients with hernias of a white line of a stomach - explain or time infringement of a hernia, or a tension - of a stomach an epiploon fixed to a hernial bag, or pressure - upon nerves (a hernial bag). At research of the patient find out dense painful - formation in the field of a white line of a stomach. At hernias sometimes it is possible to probe hernial gate. Some patients of a hernia proceed . Various diseases of an internal, such, as a stomach ulcer of a stomach or a duodenal gut, a chronic cholecystitis, chronic , etc. In this connection the patient replying researches for revealing of diseases, sopro-zhdajushchihsja pains in areas should be conducted can accompany a hernia of a white line of a stomach. Treatment: the surgical. Operation consists in allocation - of a hernial bag, its removal and aperture closing in - by imposing a seam or separate central seams.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

It is very important to examine mucous membranes of a mouth and a pharynx. Thus it is possible to find out vessels mucous membranes Yeast Infection . Usually precedes therefore its revealing promotes earlier diagnostics of disease.