Monday, May 21, 2007

Dangerous Complication Is Perforation - Of A Gullet

Dangerous complication is perforation - of a gullet and development . Indications to operation at cicatricial a gullet: 1) a full obliteration of a gleam of a gullet; 2) numerous unsuccessful attempts of carrying out through ; 3) fast cicatricial after repeated ; 4) presence fistulas with a trachea or a bronchial tube; 5) expressed extended ; 6) repeated gullet punching at . At a heavy exhaustion for a food by the patient impose as the first stage of treatment. At a choice of a method of operation consider age and the general condition of the patient, localisation and extent of narrowing of a gullet. At the majority of patients make plastic operations. A mnogoetapnuju plasticity carry out at the weakened patients. At segmentary make any partial plastics of a gullet. At defeat of the bottom part of a gullet or apply: imposing roundabout to food-vodno-gastric , a resection of the amazed site and replacement by its tube formed of the big curvature of a stomach, a transplant from a thin or thick gut.

1 comment:

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